Hello! I've got moving out plans underway with some friends in oregon and I've got cutiefest coming up where I'll be selling stuff ^_^ I'm really genuinely excited even through all the pain of dealing with verbal and emotional abuse in my household as well as gaslighting from my mom.
I had some coffee this morning and I've been spending some money with the intention to hopefully make it back soon. I'm also finishing up commissions again and veering into my physical art.
hopefuly I'll be listing some of my taxidermy related art as well as some materials I don't have space for on my ko-fi, and then I'll make back enough money to pad my savings up again. Losing my job sucked and I'm still recovering from the financial pit it put me in. My dad hasn't been helping by constantly pressuring me into "financial independence" and being a cunt when I ask for help. I really do hope something happens and he leaves this family so I don't have to live with him anymore. My mom only really enables him. It's sad.
I've also been making a ton of personal art!! like this one! It's called T4T Angelfire and it's! my favorite thing

Also this one!! It's called Liberation and the character portrayed is a trans man.

Anyways. I tried installing Linux on VirtualBox and tbh I might switch my laptop over to it if I can get everything I need working on it. I'll be making a mutual aid blog post soon, just to cover all my bases and bring in as much money as I can for moving out.